Salesforce Governor Limits

What are governor limits in salesforce?

Salesforce Governor Limits:

In Salesforce, it is the Governor Limits which controls how much data or how many records you can store in the shared databases. 

Apex runtime engine strictly enforces limits to ensure that runaway Apex code or processes don’t monopolize shared resources.

Why Salesforce has Governor Limits?

Because Salesforce is based on the concept of multi-tenant architecture. In simpler words, Salesforce uses a single database to store the data of multiple clients/ customers. The below image will help you relate to this concept.

multi tenant architecture - salesforce interview questions

To make sure no single client monopolizes the shared resources, Salesforce introduced the concept of Governor Limits which is strictly enforced by the Apex run-time engine.

Governor Limits are a Salesforce developer’s biggest challenge. That is because if the Apex code ever exceeds the limit, the expected governor issues a run-time exception that cannot be handled. Hence as a Salesforce developer, you have to be very careful while developing your application.

Different Governor Limits in Salesforce are:


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