Profiles and Roles and Permission sets:-
The profiles and permission sets are configuration items in Salesforce that will allow us to control different types of functionalities and the roles with allow us to control record visibility primarily.
A profile in Salesforce is a group/collection of settings and permissions that define what a user can do in Salesforce. A profile controls “Object permissions, Field permissions, User permissions, Tab settings, App settings, Apex class access, Visualforce page access, Page layouts, Record Types, Login hours & Login IP ranges.
A profile can be assigned to many users, but a user can be assigned a single profile at a time.
profile is mandatory for every user in salesforce ,you can't have a user without profile .
Types of profiles in Salesforce
- Standard profiles: By default, salesforce provides below standard profiles. We cannot delete standard ones.
- Read Only, Standard User, Marketing User, Contract Manager, Solution Manager & System Administrator.
- Each of these standard ones includes a default set of permissions for all of the standard objects available on the platform.
- Custom Profiles: Custom ones defined by us. They can be deleted if there are no users assigned to that particular one.
Permission Sets in Salesforce extends user’s functional access without changing their profile. It is a collection of Settings and permissions.
When you should choose Profiles ???
When you have set of permission set which needs to be shared with multiple users, then you can give all the users the same profile.
When to choose Permission set??
If there is a specific permission, or access that you don’t want to share with everyone but only with few users, then you can go for Permission Set. Just like profiles, through permission set also you can control object and field level security.
One profile can be assigned to multiple users. But one user can’t have more than one profile at a time.But in the case of permission sets, One user can have multiple permission sets at a time, and also one permission set can be assigned to more than one user.
Profiles | Roles |
1. Profile defines what a user can do within the org | 1. Role defines what user can see depending on the hierarchy(Helps in defining data visibility) |
2. Defining profile for a user is mandatory, | 2. Defining role for user is not mandatory. |
3.It control object level access | 3.It control record level access |
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